Sunday, June 30, 2019


On Friday we were lucky enough to have Mungo the dog come in to visit us for the morning. Mungo is a golden retriever and he belongs to Mrs Thoms. He is very furry and cute. We wrote some descriptions of Mungo in our writing books.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

More mihis

Check out our mihis!

In Kōtuku, we have been practising saying our mihis in front of an audience.
Here is a small selection of them:

Nina's Axolotls

Our Teacher Aide Nina brought in her pet axolotls. They are amphibians which means they can go in water and on land. Their names are Fish and Chips. We worked hard to learn how to ask Nina questions to learn more about axolotls. 

Matariki Gingerbread Stars

We learned how to read and follow a recipe to create some delicious Matariki stars made out of gingerbread.

Monday, June 17, 2019


Today we learnt that Africa is hot and has lots of countries in it which means it is a Continent. Have a look at our sentences that we had to put in order so that they made sense. We had to do lots of rereading to make sure we put them in the right order. 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Discovery time

On Friday afternoons Kotuku and Toroa do discovery time together. We get to choose art activities, sport, role play, iPad activities, construction , dress ups and lots of other fun activities to do with our friends. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star


Today in reading the Rhino group read a story about insects. They learnt what makes an insect and why some animals aren't insects. Have a look at their ChatterKid. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

What did Kotuku do in the weekend?

Have a read of our stories to see what Kotuku students did in the weekend. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Building a home for Fluffy

These girls used shapes to create a new home for Fluffy the cat.

Our Castle

These boys have been busy creating a castle. Great teamwork!

Building towers

This week the Kotuku children have been enjoying building towers with the plastic cups and lolly sticks and seeing how high they can balance before collapsing.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

"Like a Kitty in the House"

Today Catherine, Flora, Elina, Donna, and Michelle performed a Chinese dance for us. It is about a kitty in the house. 

China is our country of the week and we are looking forward to learning more Chinese songs.